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2020 година скоро си отива, но не можем да подминем факта, че Коранавирус кризата засегна пазара на имоти в първото…

Investor for the real estate market in Plovdiv: Customers are looking for large homes, they want to pay for quality

Maisonette with yard! The boutique complex of the Rowing Base offers a new concept for a home with amenities

New home concept: Apartment with yard, living in nature

Регата Парк Запад (Regatta Park West)

Architecture awards 2020

To live in the green heart of Plovdiv – the mission is possible!

5 floors, spacious apartments, luxury lobbies, underground parking in the heart of the park!

Regatta Park West “throws” an anchor meters away from the Rowing Canal

Regatta Park West „хвърля” котва на метри от Гребния канал

The residential complex “Regatta Park West” on the Rowing Canal with a prize for “Best Location” in a competition

Жилищният комплекс “Regatta Park West” на Гребната с приз за “Най- добра локация” в конкурс

The creators of the best residential properties in Plovdiv were awarded in the art space „Безистенъ“

Творците на най-добрите жилищни имоти в Пловдив бяха наградени в арт пространството на „Безистенъ“ Прочетете на: www.stroitelstvoimoti.com

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